Compressors of the СБ4/С, ВК40,СБ4/Ф series
Piston and screw air compressors of the СБ4/с - advanced technologies in the field of compressed air.
The priority direction in activity of the company – production reliable Piston compressors of positive pressure of air compressors, using only high-quality accessories from the global manufacturers of compressor inventory recognized and checked by time.
The range of products includes screw and piston compressors, receivers, automated control systems for compressor stations, express medical compressors and mobile diesel stations today.
Company "Compressor Technology" offers piston, screw mobile compressors:
Clients of the company "Compressor technology" can get personal consultation about products, and full information about the installation, commissioning and maintenance. The company's policy "Compressor Technology" is aimed solely at long-term relationships with our clients. In our opinion this is the key to success.