Manometers for the compressor

manometer_300x200 (1).pngCompany "Compressor Technologies" realizes manometers for measuring pressure in compressors both domestic and import production.

The manometer - the device for measurements (comparison) of pressure of liquids and gases in particular given limits of measurement. The principle of operation of the manometer consists in an equilibration of gaged pressure by force of elastic deformation of a tubular spring, transforming moving of a resilient sensing device to driving of the showing arrow (device).

    The list of the delivered manometers, indicators:

  • Manometers for measurement малых of small pressure (draft-and-head gage): НМП-52М2, ТНМП-52М2, НМП-100М, ТНМП-100М2 etc.
  • Devices for measurement of small pressure (signaling): ДГ-С, ДТ-УС1, ДГ-Р, ДН-Р, ДН-УС1, ДТ-Р, БПК 24  etc.
  •  Manometers- draft-and-head gages from 0..6 / 0 ... 10/0 ... 40 kPas: ДМГ - 60 and others. 
  • Index of an expense gas manometric (l/min): МТП-280РМ1 Nitrogen, Argon, Gely, Hydrogenium etc.
  • The manometer showing with a bellows divider:  МТП-60С1М1 etc.
  • Air pressure stabilization filters: ФСДВ-10..06. etc. 
  • Pressure indicators: ИД-1, ПД-1. ЭДМУ 6 kgf/cm2., etc. 
  • Dividers membranous РМ:  Divider РМ 5320 С, 5219 С, 5321 С, 5322 С etc.
  • Thermometers: ТКП 60/3М2, ТБ-1, ТБ-2, ТБ-2СА и др. 
  • Manometers technical reference execution:  МП3-Ус, МП4-Ус, МПТИс, М-1/4С, МП2-Уф, М3/1, М4/1, ДМ100-ВУ, ДМ 8008-Вуф, ДМ 2010ф, ДМ 2005ф, ДА, МП3А-Уф etc.